General HVAC Articles

Is My Home Energy Efficient?

March 29, 2024
Is My Home Energy Efficient? Image is a 3D illustration with ecology icons on a grey and white background.

You hear it all the time—buy energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment to lower your Indiana utility bills!

But what about creating an energy-efficient home?

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Why Is Remodeling My Home in the Fall or Winter a Better Time?

October 16, 2023
Why Is Remodeling My Home in the Fall or Winter a Better Time? Female couple choosing swatch colors.

When you come out of winter’s hibernation, you are ready for a change. Warmer weather prompts many a project. You may begin a plan to get healthy, so you adopt new eating habits and exercise. Or maybe you decide to change up your nest. 

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