Indoor air quality Articles

Benefits of Using a Humidifier in Your Home

January 15, 2024
Benefits of Using a Humidifier in Your Home. Image is a photograph of a young girl looking in awe at an active humidifier.

If you don’t have a humidifier in your Highland home, then you may not be aware of just how useful these devices can truly be. Humidifiers are particularly handy in the winter but can be helpful during any season because they offer a significant number of benefits, including providing better indoor air quality (IAQ) for your IN home.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

September 15, 2023
5 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality - Smiling Middle age asian father teaching his cute little asian 18 months / 1 year old toddler baby boy child about plants at home.

What do you think of when you hear about air pollution? You might immediately imagine a giant cloud of smoke, cars spewing exhaust, or a trash incinerator––but have you ever thought about your own home in Highland? The reality is airborne contaminants, such as dust, dirt, and pet dander, can negatively impact the indoor air…

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Why Do I Need a Humidifier?

February 20, 2023
Why Do I Need a Humidifier?

Winter is right around the corner and with it comes freezing temperatures, frequent illness, and dry indoor air. If you struggle with discomfort during the winter in your Munster home, you may benefit from investing in a humidification system.

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