
Is My Home Energy Efficient? Image is a 3D illustration with ecology icons on a grey and white background.

Is My Home Energy Efficient?

March 29, 2024

You hear it all the time—buy energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment to lower your Indiana utility bills!

But what about creating an energy-efficient home?

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Rear View Of Loving Couple Walking Towards House.

Are There Alternatives to Air Conditioning?

March 15, 2024

Ever since the beginning of time, humans have worked to improve their surroundings, and a big part of creature comfort is temperature control. Today, most newer homes in the warmer areas of the United States enjoy the luxury of air conditioning. Although some homeowners may still get by with open windows, a wide variety of…

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HVAC technician performing maintenance on a heat pump.

4 Important Heat Pump Maintenance Tips

February 29, 2024

Siemer Heating & Cooling understands how important it is for your heat pump to operate at its greatest capacity.

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Controlling Humidity in Your Home. Subject: A potted herb garden by the kitchen window.

Controlling Humidity in Your Home

February 15, 2024

Humidity isn’t just hard on your body—it’s hard on your Munster home. Damp surfaces are a picnic party for unwelcome guests like mildew, mold, cockroaches, and mites. Excessive humidity weakens wood and leads to rotting. It also lowers your indoor air quality (IAQ).

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Video - HVAC Equipment for Your New Home. Construction site of new home.

Video – HVAC Equipment for Your New Home

January 31, 2024

Building a new home is an exciting adventure, but it can get overwhelming. That’s why our team is ready to step in and help you select the best possible heating and cooling system for your home and budget.

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Benefits of Using a Humidifier in Your Home. Image is a photograph of a young girl looking in awe at an active humidifier.

Benefits of Using a Humidifier in Your Home

January 15, 2024

If you don’t have a humidifier in your Highland home, then you may not be aware of just how useful these devices can truly be. Humidifiers are particularly handy in the winter but can be helpful during any season because they offer a significant number of benefits, including providing better indoor air quality (IAQ) for your IN home.

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Video - What Is a Heat Pump? Animation of a house and a heat pump circulating air.

Video – What Is a Heat Pump?

December 29, 2023

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one place to another, from inside your home to outside or from outside to inside. In the winter a heat pump works like a heater, extracting heat energy from outside and transferring it inside. In the summer the process reverses and it will remove heat from your home and transfer it outside similar to an air conditioner.

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How to Determine Heat Pump Efficiency. Couple sitting on the floor drinking out of mugs and eating breakfast.

How to Determine Heat Pump Efficiency

December 15, 2023

If you are in the market for a new heat pump, efficiency is probably a key factor in your search. The Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) has a universal ranking system for heating and cooling units that serves to help. 

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Cartoon Woman Shivering Behind a Desk. Video - Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

Video – Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

November 30, 2023

There are a few things to check in your home in the case that your furnace is blowing cold air, such as your thermostat settings, air filter, and your home’s ductwork.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running? - Man Calling a Furnace Service Professional.

Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

November 15, 2023

Is your furnace blowing air without pause? If so, you’re probably feeling a bit concerned.

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